2.2.3. Total investment expenditure in transport infrastructure (current prices) (in mill.CZK)
Druh infrastruktury 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Railway 3 897,0 9 909,9 13 200,3 13 417,0 14 599,7 13 244,0
Road1) 9 802,0 11 886,0 10 988,0 10 300,9 15 970,7 19 921,8
Inland Waterways 47,8 114,8 402,2 292,2 512,9 365,8
Air 2 523,2 613,8 992,8 1 718,2 1 191,8 1 652,9
Pipeline 1 308,0 425,0 399,2 739,2 661,1 587,0
Total 17 578,0 22 949,5 25 982,5 26 467,5 32 936,2 35 771,5
1) Road investment expenditure includes the expenditures on motorways, I, II and III class roads  Source: MD, ČSÚ, SFDI